Instructions for using the Kokoruda Ranch Block Management Web site (


  1. Be sure and check out the “Map & Regulations” tab and familiarize yourself and your party with both.
  2. You must first get a permission slip by using the “Permission” tab on the web site.
  3. Fill in all the fields and hit “Submit”
  4. You will also receive an email with your permission slip that will have the map and regulations attached as a PDF. This Permission slip is good for the 2024 season.
  5. Print that slip and put it on the dashboard of your vehicle while you are hunting. You may also want to print the Map and Regulations (PDF) and give a copy to each member of your party.
  6. Next you will need a reservation. Please go to the “Reservation” tab on the web site
  7. You can only make one reservation at a time, but you can go back into the Reservation tab and make another once you have completed the first one.
  8. All emails you receive from the Reservation system will come from Kokoruda
  9. You will get an email stating that your reservation has been accepted.
  10. Please print this email and place on your dashboard, along with your permission slip, while hunting.
  11. Please cancel at least 24 hours prior to you hunt. Earlier, if possible, to allow others to take advantage of the hunting opportunity.
  12. On the day of your hunt:
  13. Do not forget to sign in at the Kiosk on the East side of McClellan Creek Road.
  14. All hunters in your party need to sign in.
  15. Parking near the kiosk at designated parking areas on the West side of McClellan Creek Road or along the county road.
  16. Don’t forget to put a copy of your Permission Slip and your Reservation on your dashboard.
  17. Access the BMA either through the green gate or from the county road.
  18. Enjoy your hunt.



  1. Neighbor landowners may drive on certain roads on this property. They have permission to pass through, but not hunt without going through the Block Management system.
  2. Two neighbors have homes close to our property line. They are marked on the property map.  Please respect their property.
  3. Your permission slip is good for the entire hunting season, but you’ll have to fill in a new one if you want to change or add party members or your address, phone number, vehicle, or any other information changes.
  4. Use the Questions / Comment tab if you have issues with the web site.

Thank you for your adherence to the above policies.  Using the web to get permissions and reservations is a new thing in the Block Management Program.  We hope it works for you and with your help we will refine it as time goes on.